Believers in Christ

This site is geared to help new Believers in Christ to gain the knowledge to help them with their Christian Walk.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Rainbows- Sign of God's Promise

Rainbows are a sign that God will not destroy the earth again by flood.  People have been posting photos of them all over the internet; and I think God is telling us that we can stand on his promises, all his promises.  One great promise he made us was that Jesus would come again. He is going to keep that promise of Jesus return, we must keep our faith and belief in his precious son, Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Jesus - The Only Way to Heaven

We all need music to inspire us and to help us with our worship of our Heavenly Father.  This video should help you get started.
Jesus is the Only Way to Heaven- Song- Sweet Jesus

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Poem: The City of Gold

Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard,

what God has in store for us.

He has given us a glimpse in his word,

of his creation of the City of Gold.

We have no need of the sun,

for God is the light of the city.

Tears gone for our sorrows are done,

Happiness with Jesus, our Lord.

The City has twelve Gates.

Sparkling and made of pearls.

The City of Gold awaits,

Full of singing, laughter and joy.

No fighting, cursing, sin or strife,

Beauty unimaginable is there.

Clear as crystal is the river of life,

proceeding out of the throne of God.

Twelve types of fruit are on a tree,

from the Garden of Eden, The tree of life.

Sin has no hold, we are set free,

Peace with God our Father up above.

Each foundation is made of Precious stones,

for the City has twelve foundations.

There is a mansions that each person owns,

God has given to us liberally and freely.

Up there a beautiful place it will be,

Prepared and adorned by God for us.

All Christians will hear and see,

Well done, good and faithful servant.