Believers in Christ

This site is geared to help new Believers in Christ to gain the knowledge to help them with their Christian Walk.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

What is Grace

Grace is unmerited favor. Grace is giving another chance to someone who wrongs us over and over again. Grace is an overpowering, overwhelming love from the Father. It’s not forced. It’s slow in anger, long-suffering, an unsurmountable forgiveness without question or conditions. Grace is having compassion on someone despite rejection. Grace is a retribute of godliness.
Jesus showed grace when he became a sacrifice on an old rugged cross for the sins of the whole world. He suffered and died for those who rejected him, cursed him, spit on him, whipped him and even tortured him.
The Father doesn’t force anyone to accept him. He freely gives us our own choice. Even though he is the creator, he wants us to live a happy life and have a free heart to choose who we will serve. Grace is when God gives us our own choice, whether we repent of our sins, or whether we have a personal relationship with him or not. He still gives us life, love, blessings and compassion. Think of what he has in store for those who love him and come to him freely.

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